Implementing V2verify. Here's how.
Public Health Safety - V2verify, works without a mask and doesn't require any physical contact on the part of the user. The fact the biometric is contactless protects the user from the potential to share germs.
Security - V2verify uses natural speech to definitively authenticate a user. Our recent POC with a major telco produced a 99.4% accuracy rate, with zero false accepts, while users were speaking different languages and wearing masks.
User experience - V2verify simply authenticates a user by their voice; eliminating the need to remember or carry anything with them. It works in every channel of a customer journey (Mobile app, Web app, Chat, in-person, or over the phone). V2 provides the convenience users are accustomed to.
Privacy - The speech V2 collects for authentication is saved in a manner that renders the information useless on its own and cannot be reverse-engineered. Therefore, the biometric data cannot be used to profile or track a user now or into the future.